Challenge: How to help the students get the important new info?


An active learning community might get chaotic and info will get lost. That's just the nature of it. It's your job to give the students the feeling they got the basic info


  1. Share summaries when needed

    Make it a habit to sum up.

    "this is what happened last week" or "most asked questions this week"

  2. ..but don't overdo it

    If nothing has happened, then no need to push it.

  3. Trust yourself

    You probably know best when and how summaries should be shared. You are the one active in the community. Going with your gut feeling is probably not a bad idea. Just remember to ask yourself; will some amount of the users get the value of a summary now?

Uncertain what to do? Just ask in your community- they are probalby more than happy to help. Especially if they feel they are lagging behind.


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